Dr Johnson - literary pajandrum
Samuel Johnson was born in Lichfield, a small market town in the centre of England in 1709. A gifted scholar who wrote many fine works of poetry and social commentary in a style suited to his times but not our own, he is best remembered as the originator of the first Dictionary of English much concerned with the sources of meaning. All this doesn't make him an obvious figure of literature whom we should remember like Dickens say. However as a fascinating human being of wit and intelligence utterly devoted to the cause of good writing he has few equals and we know it all through the astonishing and delightful biography written of him by his friend Boswell. Nothing very dramatic happnened to him but this film by Malcolm Hossick easily makes the case for us to know about him and his ways on his delighted journey through life. It is followed by an overview of his works. dur:35'30" 2nd edition 2021 AM101HD21 JOHNSON